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Manager Business Intelligence & Development
Some JV International cargo airlines would like to recruit Business Development Manager, the job description is as below:Position: Business Develpment Manager
Scope of duties:
-Researches, identifies and develops systematically new business
-Exploits and analyses Market Research opportunities and business potentials in depth
-Segments markets, branches, and customers and analyses the traffic flows, logistics structures and decision-making processes of potential customers
-Prepares and presents qualified business acquisition concepts and strategic analyses
-Organizes, develops, analyses, and improves the data, documents and processes according to Marketing Research and requirements and needs, ensuring that they fit seamlessly into the support chain of internal customers and external partners
-Triggers the development of market research and customer relationship tools and steers, develops and executes possible
reaction methodologies to foster sales
-Owns Market Research Process
-Leads worldwide customer survey
-Fosters customer satisfaction through continuous improvement process triggered by customer survey results
-Owns the content of the market data pools
-Responsible for provision and accuracy of market data
-Creates, maintains and owns customer databases
-Supports Key Account Management Program
-Leads external agencies and partners
-Thrives for business development ideas
Key Success Indicators:
-Implementation and project deadlines are met
-Adherence to deadlines, ability to work under pressure and deliver
-Process effectiveness
-Good understanding of organizational process and strategic matters
-Customer and internal user satisfaction
-Cost awareness
Tasks & Responsibilities:
Initiate market and competition overview and analyses as well as benchmarking
Manages Marketing Research, Business Analytical and Customer Relationship Management tasks with internal and external units to improve sales and build brand awareness
Drives comparability and integration of data with LCAG regarding customer data and market data
Supports definition of product characteristics, potentials and sales targets based with market research information
Consulting on benchmark analyses and advices business units in market research questions on demand
Develops and initiates competition analysis
Coordinates and trains application of market data tools (like World ACD databases / CASS data)
Fosters further market data integration with LCAG
Delivers data to LCAG for market and competition and is the interface for market data exchange between the two companies
Support KPI reporting and monitoring
Develops ideas and leads customer satisfaction survey
Supports Jade customer recognition by annual measurement and external communication
Analyses customer survey data vertically and horizontally
Suggests areas for improvement derived from customer survey for sales areas and head office departments
Initiates workshops on customer survey results and advices on actions to sales areas and head office departments
Communicates results from customer survey target-group specific
Supports implementation of actions from customer survey within organization as a consultant
Gives feedback to customers regarding customer survey results via available channels
Drives joint reporting of customer survey data with LCAG
Implements pre-developed and cargo adapted Customer Relationship Management tool in the Cargo organization and further
integrates Management Information data
Ensure customer relationship management process by provision of contact management tool
Organizes and manages collection and coordination of customer data and ensures regular quality checks
Manages CRM training together with several in-house functions / supports Business Intelligence Trainings
Develops ideas for further developments of CRM tool, liaises with IT regarding further development of customer database and
supports system developers on how to improves customer database
Supports quality management with data for monthly and weekly quality and performance reporting
Manages creation of, maintains and coordinates business development opportunities
Analysis of data for strategic and business development on request
Consults regarding available information
Supports Cargo Group strategy implementation and incorporation
Develops concept of customer segmentation criteria and support process of implementation by Sales
Steers market segmentation process, which should guarantee the right sales focus under our current circumstances of
constraint sales forces
Support brand management with brand and image studies if required
Supports Key Account set-up and monitoring
Support product pricing policy and strategy
Supports promotion management with campaigns via campaign management application
Supports mailing and e-mailing distribution in regards of Dialogue Marketing activities in cooperation with Promotion
Participates in Authors Club and co-manages content management for Intranet and Internet
Initiates regular meetings and information exchange with LCAG and the Cargo Group on synergies
Requirements in terms of education / professional experience / language skills:
Further education/training:
University degree
Experience in market research, preferably in an institute
Good knowledge of statistics
Project management experience
Very good knowledge of MS office applications
Business skills:
Business Management knowledge
Cargo Industry experience
Experience in supplier management
Analytics, flair for numbers and IT data systems
Accuracy and eye for detail
Personal skills:
Leadership qualifications
Coaching and sharing skills
Conceptual skills
Good communicator
Presentation skills
Networking skills
Negotiation skills
Intercultural understanding and experience
Good language skills in German and English
Location: Shenzhen(1)
联系人: | 猎头运营中心 | 联系电话: | 已屏蔽 |
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面试地址: | 重庆市南岸区亚太路9号玖玺国际7栋27楼 |