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中国航空英才网猎头营运中心 |
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- ·Chinese business General Manager
- ·诚聘航空外企财务副总裁(CFO)
- ·高薪诚聘施瓦泽S-333机务工程师
- ·某外企寻找中国技术中心总监
- ·某名企诚聘航空区域销售经理
- ·著名国际企业集团诚聘通用航空各类高级人才
- ·诚聘飞机高级系统工程师
- ·诚聘航空航天材料公司总经理
- ·高薪寻觅航空制造业高级领军人才
- ·亚洲著名航空诚聘中国副总经理
- ·高薪诚聘公务机公司总经理
- ·寻找中国市场飞机销售经理
- ·Finding Country Sales Manager
- ·某合资公司诚聘市场销售经理
- ·某集团公司旗下公务机公司诚聘总经理
- ·知名企业诚聘可靠性工程师
- ·高薪诚聘发动机工程师
- ·高薪诚聘机队管理工程师
- ·Foreign Pilot Recruitment Notice
- ·Technical sales manager China
- ·Sales Manager china
- ·Aerospace Segment Manager Asia
- ·Engineer, Field Service
- ·航空优秀签派人员
- ·机场集团诚聘信息技术总监
- ·知名国企集团下属租赁公司总经理
- ·大型集团首席信息官(CIO)
- ·苏州/南京/厦门 Site Leader(GM)
- ·Senior Account and Business Development Manager
- ·Production Supervisor
- ·Aviation procurement manager
- ·Aero Engineering Manager
- ·Aero Business Development Manager
- ·Regional Sales Manager (Aviation)
- ·Direct sales account manager
- ·Customer business Manager
- ·SR.Project Director
- ·著名航空材料集团实验室主管
- ·APU Technical Sales Manager China
- ·高薪诚聘航空新材料人才
- ·诚聘公务机公司高级管理与专业人员
- ·北京广州地区航材销售经理
- ·Lead Systems Engineer - Aircraft Systems
- ·Engaging kinds of civil aviation pilots
- ·Aviation-specific VP
- ·Production Manager
- ·高薪聘请合资航空公司COO
- ·Market Development Manager
- ·Sourcing Manager
- ·Quality Director(shanghai)
- ·Engineering and Planning Director
- ·Composite structure engineer and Stress analysis engineer
- ·Raw Material Project Manager
- ·Maintenance Training Center Mgr
- ·experts in Aircraft Engine Control and Aero Power Laboratory
- ·Sales Manager-Regional Aircraft
- ·Sales Manager China
- ·Manager Business Intelligence & Development
- ·Senior Sales
- ·Vice general manager
- ·Field Technical Representative
- ·Sales Director
- ·Quality System Manager
- ·Sales Manager(OEM Division)
- ·HR Manager
- ·急聘航空公司首席安全官一名
- ·高薪诚聘航空公司总经理
- ·诚聘机务副总裁、B747机长等人才
- ·R&O Operation Supervisor
- ·SCAS Operation Manager
- ·Area Sales Manager(Beijing)
- ·Program Manager B&GA Aftermarket
- ·Customer Support Manager
- ·Chief Security Officer
- ·CEO of Helicopter Manufactory
- ·ATR Direct Sales Account Manager
- ·著名维修企业诚聘Rework Engineer
- ·M & E Support Manager
- ·著名航材公司诚聘中国区经理
- ·诚聘Production Engineer.
- ·诚寻机务教员和质量主管
- ·诚聘Senior Manufacturing Engineer
- ·诚聘Transition Manager!
- ·国际航材公司诚聘地区销售经理!
- ·诚聘Aftermarket Sales Manager
- ·AP Trading & Direct Sales Leader
- ·B&GA Customer Support Manager
- ·Asia Pacific Customer Care Leader
- ·年薪70万猎聘现场服务工程师!
- ·招聘Quality-Lean Lead!
- ·诚聘租赁企业客户发展经理!
- ·Mechanical Transitions Manager!
- ·诚聘具有B757放行资格的工程师
- ·国际货运航空企业IT系统工程师!
- ·急聘维修工程师!
- ·年薪70万猎聘供应链管理战略总监!
- ·年薪70-100万猎聘亚太战略总监!
- ·高薪猎聘维修工程师!
- ·西南某航空企业招聘签派!
- ·某航空公司招聘市场部品牌副总!
- ·某民营航空公司招聘董事长助理
- ·招聘驻菲律宾航材质量管理主管
- ·年薪25万招聘国际货运航线经理!
- ·年薪15-20万招聘航空保险主管!
- ·总工程师
- ·通航公司筹建负责人(150万-200万)
- ·通航机场运营管理总监(70万-100万)
- ·市场营销部总经理
- ·航空俱乐部副总经理(30万年薪以上)
- ·通航公司总经理(年薪60万-100万)
- ·飞行副总经理(年薪50万-70万)
- ·总机械师
- ·总裁(年薪200万)
- ·战略总监(年薪60万)
- ·人力资源总监(年薪:60万)
- ·公务机俱乐部总经理 (底薪60万+提成)
- ·安全标准监察部副总
- ·运行控制部副总
AP Trading & Direct Sales Leader
Asia-Pacific Trading & Direct Sales LeaderRESPONSIBILITIES:
?Responsible for managing all aspects of the Trading business in the Asia-Pacific Region
?Revenue responsibility for $8.0M of used parts sales ($5.5M in 2007)
?Accountable to grow revenue by 2X in two years to $15M by end of 2009
?Lead the development of Trading’s Mechanical and W&B growth in the region
?Establish surplus procurement relationships with key Airlines accounts within the region.
?Assist management /develop efficient and simple metrics to monitor team and individual results
?Develop strong customer relationships in the region to establish *** Trading as premier source of used *** equipment.
?Coordinates closely with Order management and ERB organizations to provide complete service offerings to our customers
?Coordinate with Credit and treasury organization to ensure appropriate measures are taken towards issue resolution and credit collection
?Ensure consistent use of processes and tools across the regions: Asia, EMEA and Americas
?Leading the expansion of the Direct sales team in Asia. Setting up office facility, account assignments, recruitment and hiring of direct sales staff (5)
?Ensuring seamless teamwork of HAT and Direct sales team with established Customer Core Teams within the region
?Building strong teamwork with Direct sales team in Prague , accountable for process, training and customer contact consistency
?Accountable for $7M in Direct Sales revenue for new team in 2008
Used Parts Sales target $8.0M in 2008 $15M in 2009
Direct Sales of $7M in 2008 growing to $10M in 2009
?Customer focused – Key customer relationships established
?AOP revenue attainment, revenue forecasting for the region
?Efficient communication within HAT, CAL and TSM and Airlines AsiaPac Business team
?Effective coaching and personnel development of employees - Use of MRR tools and timelines.
?Mastery of HAT & other business tools (PAD, SAP, ATLAS)
?Successful negotiations of strategic surplus purchases
?Ability to manage a diverse team of external suppliers (both *** and outside vendors) to deliver the appropriate and efficient tools and services for the direct sales operation
?Experience of complex or international project management
?Good management and communication skills in an international environment and ability to work in cross-functional teams
?Ability to stay focused on its own operations and relentlessly driving service improvement and sales growth
?Outstanding capability to work internally in cross-functional and multiple locations team
?Ability to closely monitor efficiency of the marketing and communication strategy and adapt it to the market response in a short time frame
?Ability to translate multiple information source and analysis into directly actionable sales lead
?Ability to synthesize and communicate efficiently to the sales or management the customer background and priorities
?Ability to find new sources of information and refine the market intelligence
?Effective communication and presentation skills in English
?Result focused with successful record of accomplishment through skilled use of effective resource management, persuasion, negotiation, problem resolution and a good understanding of *** portfolio and organization
?Excellent team building and coordination skills
?Willingness to learn fast, travel if needed, aim high and have fun
联系人: | 猎头运营中心 | 联系电话: | 已屏蔽 |
电子邮箱: | eric@airyc.cn | 传真号码: | 已屏蔽 |
邮政编码: | |||
公司网站: | http://www.airyc.cn | ||
面试地址: | 重庆市南岸区亚太路9号玖玺国际7栋27楼 |