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中国航空英才网猎头营运中心 |
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- ·Chinese business General Manager
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- ·高薪诚聘施瓦泽S-333机务工程师
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- ·诚聘飞机高级系统工程师
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- ·Foreign Pilot Recruitment Notice
- ·Technical sales manager China
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- ·年薪70万猎聘现场服务工程师!
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- ·Mechanical Transitions Manager!
- ·诚聘具有B757放行资格的工程师
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- ·年薪70万猎聘供应链管理战略总监!
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- ·总工程师
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- ·总裁(年薪200万)
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- ·公务机俱乐部总经理 (底薪60万+提成)
- ·安全标准监察部副总
- ·运行控制部副总
Customer Support Manager
Some Global 500 wants to recruit Customer Support Manager, the Job description is as below:Title: Customer Support Manager – Business & General Aviation, China / Hong-Kong /Macau
*Responsible for all Business & General Aviation operator aftermarket issues in China / Hong-Kong / Macau. This ‘total’ customer support includes all B&GA platforms containing *** electrical and mechanical products. The objective is to achieve maximum aircraft availability and reliability, expected cost of ownership, and high standards of customer satisfaction.
*Responsible for operational performance, product performance, service levels, and customer support metrics for specific operators and service centers/distributors. Responsible for coordinating Entry in Service activities, developing corrective actions and plans to improve and maintain mutually acceptable levels. Required to manage reliability, logistics and cost of operation issues through development and deployment of a customer logistics support plan. Create customer service requests using ATLAS and responsible for implementing the NPS customer satisfaction survey.
*Establish strong presence and relationship with operators and service centers / distributors through frequent visits, written communications, operator workshops, M&Os and conferences. Must have the ability for quick responses, aggressive implementation of corrective actions, work across all aircraft platforms, functions and businesses. Ensure strong connectivity with aftermarket business leader, sales leader, repair facility representative, field service representative, and engineering, and maintaining a coordinated aftermarket strategy for a specific operator.
*Develop knowledge of fleet and customer profiles, maintain customer contact plan, direct Field Service and Customer Support Engineering activities at an operator with a strong focus on Entry in Service coordination. Become intimately familiar with all *** electrical and mechanical products to convey confidence to operators on timely responsiveness to customer concerns and field issues. Mobile phone access 24x7 and significant travel requirements are part of providing service. Must have strong ability to work effectively with all levels of management internal *** and externally with customers (verbal and written) and capable of working in an ambiguous and ever changing work environment.
*Strong organization and team leadership skills. Strong demonstrated communication and presentation skills, written and verbal. Proven team building skills with the ability to interact with all levels of management within the business and customers. *Demonstrated creativity and innovation skills to maintain high levels of responsiveness and customer satisfaction.
*Track record of successfully managing and leading company wide teams to achieve program and customer goals.
*Sound ability to work in fast paced, diverse, and ambiguous team environments.
*Previous experience is working in direct customer relationship role with demonstrated ability to innovate to create high levels of customer satisfaction.
*Strong product knowledge in either mechanical or electrical products; knowledge in both preferred. Basic financial acumen required.
*Very high ability to manage multiple high priority tasks and meet aggressive customer timelines and expectations.
*Six Sigma Greenbelt certification required.
Location: Shanghai
Annual Payment: Pretax 180000-200000 and could be negotiated.
联系人: | 猎头运营中心 | 联系电话: | 已屏蔽 |
电子邮箱: | eric@airyc.cn | 传真号码: | 已屏蔽 |
邮政编码: | |||
公司网站: | http://www.airyc.cn | ||
面试地址: | 重庆市南岸区亚太路9号玖玺国际7栋27楼 |